Upper Campus FOREST WALKS - Spring 2015 schedule
Join us for walks and adventures this spring, through a very special forest above UC Santa Cruz that is threatened by UCSC's large-scale development plans. To learn more about efforts to protect this treasured place, visit http://saveuppercampus.org/
Walks are free and hosted by volunteers, with no university sponsorship.
As the weather moves between sunshine and rain, we find ourselves moving between the realms of the forest, chaparral, creek and meadow. The new sprout, shoot and catkin come and tell us of a time of sweet smelling air, filled with new growth.

Saturday, April 11th: Song & Silence
w/ River—2pm @ North Remote
A walk for listening to the sounds of the forest, and for singing and sharing songs. Rain cancels.
Sunday, April 12th: Wild Plant Medicine Herbal Teas Walk
w/ Clarice—2pm @ N. Remote
On this walk we will learn about the delicious and medicinal properties of some of the plants native to upper campus and make some awesome hot herbal teas! Bring a cup or jar! Rain cancels.
Sunday, April 19th: Wildflowers and More
w/ Jesse—1pm @ North Remote
Lets enjoy the spring wildflowers and explore how they relate to local ecology by observing the soils they grow on, insects that pollinate them, and how they’re influenced by human impacts. Rain does not cancel.
Saturday, April 25th: A Walk in the Wilderness
w/ Lindsay—12pm @ N. Remote
Come join us for a stroll in the beautiful lands of UCSC’s Upper Campus. We will be going on a hike, taking our time to stop and appreciate the beauty we see along the path. The walk leader has experience in herbal medicine, so that will likely be a focus of the walk as well. Rain does not cancel.
Sunday, May 3rd: Caretaking the Land Walk
w/ Erik—10am @ N. Remote
Let’s take care of the place we love! Come out and work on a to be determined project that could include trail maintenance, trash pickup, or maybe something else. Rain cancels.
Sunday, May 3rd (Full Moon): Astronomy & Stargazing Evening Walk
w/ Cosmic Joe—8pm @ N. Remote
Join “Cosmic Joe” Jordan (of NASA and the SETI Institute) for an evening of “true tall tales of the universe” as we explore the sky to observe and appreciate its lights, motions, colors, and phenomena. In addition to finding constellations and planets, we’ll learn about the connections between everyday life and the earliest moments of creation. On this particular night we’ll have a full moon, which will provide a special enchantment and a whole variety of interesting stories and concepts. Rain cancels.
Saturday, May 9th: Forest Hike & Nature Games
w/ David—10am @ N. Remote
Please RSVP: space_case@riseup.net
We will hike through the forest and play nature awareness games. This will be more shared learning style—come prepared to share games you know! Walk leader will have games for adults and kids age 9+. If you have games to share with younger kids, that is welcome also. Rain cancels.
Sunday, May 10th: Making Radical Connections Between the Student Movement and Land Defense
w/ Elena & Emma—12:00pm @ Quarry Plaza
Meet by the large rock at Quarry Plaza, Hagar Dr. & Steinhart Way, UCSC. Explore how the ongoing student struggle interrelates with and implicates the development of upper campus. We will talk about privatization, militarization, the history of the UC and its many actors, and the land that it resides on. Incorporated will be a discussion on how undeveloped campus lands are a unique site for human and nonhuman life and resistance. Rain does not cancel.
Saturday, May 16th: Exploratory Rambling
w/ Clarice—2:00pm @ North Remote
A walk in which we will explore the land, follow what intrigues us and find some magical, beautiful places. Rain cancels.
Sunday, May 17th: New Moon Intention
w/ Jesse James—7:00pm @ North Remote
A night walk where we will come together and ground as a group, then walk connecting with the new moon and darkness. We will listen for new moon intentions both personally and as a group, and finish the walk together sharing what we found. Dress warm. Rain cancels.
Sunday, May 24th: Silent Stroll
w/ Monica—@ 11am @ North Remote
Please RSVP: msalandr@ucsc.edu Let’s come together whisper-quiet, hiking the first half of this walk in silence and then we’ll decide together what to do with the second half. Please bring water! Rain cancels.
Monday, May 25th: How does oppression manifest in land defense struggles?
w/ Anti-Oppression Crew—12pm @ North Remote
Join us as we kick off a series of discussions on intersectionality and land defense. How do race, class, gender, sexuality and ableism factor into the work we do? This walk will serve as a platform for further focused discussions of white supremacy, queerness, ableism, colonialism, patriarchy, and class conflict in the context of eco-defense. A walk with a discussion circle. Rain cancels.
Sunday, May 31st: Animal Tracking
w/ Naali— 3:00pm @ North Remote
Animal tracking is an ancient language our ancestors knew how to read! Let’s start to re-learn to decipher the messages left by our forest
friends. We might even play a game! *This is a quiet and at times silent walk. Please check in w/yourself or your child about if that is possible for you. Heavy rain cancels.
Wednesday, June 10th: Stargazing!
w/ Penske—8:30pm @ Twin Gates (on Empire Grade)
This is more of a sit than a walk! Cozy in for an evening of star facts, constellations and some of their stories! Bring warm clothes, blankets or chairs to sit on, and snacks or warm beverages to share! Rain or cloud cover cancels. Twin Gates is on Empire Grade about 2 miles past the West entrance of UCSC, where it intersects the dirt fire road called Chinquapin Rd. If driving, go up Empire Grade, past the Waldorf School, and look for a huge meadow with gates on either side of the road. There is some on-street parking on Empire Grade below the gates.
Thursday, June 11th: Exploring Upper Campus with an Artist’s Eye
w/ Irene—12pm @ N. Remote
You may have walked through Upper Campus before, but have you walked with your artist eyes on? Come co-create your experience as we appreciate the many textures, colors, and patterns alive in Upper Campus. We will also discuss the current plans for campus development resistance! Rain or Shine! Bring: Water; Journal; Open Mind.
Sunday, June 14th: Orienteering/Cross Country Hike
w/ David—10am @ N. Remote
We will learn basic compass skills, take maps and think of places we wanna go. We may be in for a long hike! So bring water, food and good shoes. Rain does not cancel.
Poster illlustrations by Emma Wheeler — Title art/calligraphy by Elena Staley
A project of Santa Cruz Forest Keepers. Have questions? Would you like to organize with us? Interested in leading a walk next quarter? Need to contact a walk leader? Email forestkeepers [at] riseup.net
Directions: North Remote Parking Lot (AKA North Perimeter) gate is @ the end of Heller Dr. above Kresge College, UC Santa Cruz. Parking is free on weekends, on weekdays it’s best to buy an all-day remote pass @ the main UCSC entrance kiosk.
We do these walks so that more people will know and care for the beautiful and irreplaceable things that could be lost to future UCSC development projects.